What is ELK Stack image

Analyzing data is a critical element to running a successful business. Whether that data comes from a structured or unstructured source, it is crucial to understanding how the business is performing and what steps might be taken to improve that performance. The ELK stack is perfect for… Read More

How to Configure a Name-Based Virtual Host with VPS image

There are two types of virtual hosting: named-based and IP-based. Named-based virtual hosting, which we will be discussing today, describes a scenario in which a webmaster is hosting multiple websites on a single IP address – even though these websites all have different… Read More

What is MongoDB image


MongoDB is a relatively new open-source database platform. Also known as NoSQL, MongoDB uses dynamic schemas to integrate certain application data types more efficiently than other databases. The program is cross-platform and actually powers the back end for many well-known consumer sites, including Craigslist, LinkedIn, Expedia, the… Read More