What is DDoS?


We’ve all been there – that moment when your server’s traffic figures begin to spike. The steady rise in volume for what can feel like days with no sign of slowing down. Phone calls start coming in – customers having problems with your website. The server’s load time… Read More

Content Delivery Networks, more commonly known as CDNs, are systems of servers located in different places that work together to create a single strong network. These servers provide end users with premium server performance. CDNs are great solutions for any website that transfers large quantities of data but they are an especially great way for webmasters to distribute social websites, downloadable objects, streaming media, and applications.

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Change Timezone in CentOS image


If you use CentOS VPS, displaying the correct time zone can be an issue. If you type “date” into the SSH terminal, the date and time displayed are likely incorrect. Remember, CentOS uses the file /etc./localtime to decide the appropriate time zone to display without ever… Read More